Survival Magic Radio

Unpacking the nature of the times through a survivor lens with curiosity, critical thinking, and a dash of magic

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Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

We are back with the latest musings on the recent public discussions on the state of free speech, the impact of AI, digital reality, and more. Sources: The A.I. Dilemma | Tech CEOs testify before Senate | House Judiciary hearing

Workspace In The Woods (TW)

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022

This is a raw cut from an interaction I had with a person who turned out to be a serial creeper in the woods. Plus, reflections of alternative workspaces and persevering in the face of adversity aka the patriarchy. In solidarity with survivors, cosmic and wild beings - this is Survival Magic Radio.
Drop us a line!

Monday Jul 04, 2022

Exploring the workplace struggle when you're navigating an anxious brain-space. The crazy making of corporate dysfunction and how gaslighting fuels the fire of employee burnout. Plus easy to use tech tips for keeping yourself organized while you look for a way out.
Let us know your thoughts:

Saturday Oct 30, 2021

Musings on riding the podcast wave, storytelling, labor movements, start up success and unpacking 'innovation.'

Good Bye Berlin, Hello America

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021

After a short break to focus on health and finances, we're back with another installment of Survival Magic Radio. On today's show we're riffing on the astrological tension of the times, the delights of international relocation and a look at how we're gonna influence the innovative schism of the moment to create a better world for all of us. Check out my latest projects and offers at
Until next time folks!

Wednesday May 12, 2021

May is here and it's hot bay bay! This is workers month and it is the New Moon in Taurus which means we're getting an extra dose of practical, deliberate and methodical problem solving power! With more light on the situation, what insight can you gain by going a little deeper into your default design?

Monday Apr 26, 2021

In this episode, we're emerging from a two week fast from social media platforming. Saturn in Aquarius invites us to look deeply at how we create, communicate and build our collective effort in understanding our needs like autonomy, authentic connection and privacy in an increasingly corporate digital age.
Stay up-to-date on new episodes by subscribing to my totally chill newsletter here!

Sunday Apr 11, 2021

April New Moon reflections on deep cleaning, the politics of poo, and defining relationships beyond borders.
Feedback, Colabs, and Future Guests - Say Hello!

Sunday Mar 28, 2021

Full moon reflections on the relevant of mage and astrology in the post-pandemic Aquarius (Information) Age.
Feedback, Colabs, and Future Guests - Get In Touch!

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